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MRC Holland

SALSA MLPA kits for copy number quantification
MLPA® is the gold standard for DNA copy number quantification and is used to study both hereditary disorders and tumours. MLPA can also be used to determine if a known mutation is present in the DNA or to investigate the methylation status of DNA sequences. MRC-Holland, the inventor and exclusive manufacturer of MLPA assays, offers more than 400 different MLPA panels used for DNA copy number quantification, mutation identification, and DNA methylation status.

Popular MLPA applications
- Predisposition to Cancer
- Neuromuscular Disorders
- Intellectual Disability
- microdeletion, PWS/AS, FMR1/AFF2, MECP2, Sotos, WBS, SHOX, aneuploidy
- Solid Tumours
- Gliomas, MMR, Neuroblastoma, TP53, Breast
- Methylation profiling
- Prader-Willi / Angelman syndrome, Fragile X, Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome

Advantages and features of MLPA
- Examine up to 60 targets per reaction
- Only 50ng of DNA is required per reaction
- MLPA detects a short sequence of 60-80 nucleotides
- Detection of single exon deletions and duplications
- Detection of targeted point mutations
- One simple protocol for >400 applications
- Results available within 24 hours
- Limited lab equipment required: only a thermocycler and a sequence type electrophoresis system
- User-friendly, reliable, and free data analysis software, Coffalser.NetTM

Visit the MLPA website www.mrcholland.com to:
- Search for genes, and chromosomal regions of interest to find all related MLPA products
- Explore the MLPA procedure to learn how to do MLPA
- Get MLPA support by viewing education, workshop, and troubleshooting material
- Stay up to date with current MLPA news