
Продукт Клас Ig Формат
thyroid peroxidase
Purified antigen: recombinant, expression with
Baculovirus vector in insect cells
IgG 96 x 01
Purified antigen: native, human
thyroid gland
IgG 96 x 01
(thyrotropin receptor)
Purified antigen: native,
porcine thyrocytes
TSH receptor
IgG 96 x 01
Purified antigen: native,
porcine thyrocytes
IgG 96 x 01
Purified antigen: recombinant
glutamic acid decarboxylase
GAD/IA2 Pool
IgG 96 x 01
Purified antigen: recombinant
glutamic acid decarboxylase/
tyrosine phosphatase
IgG 96 x 01
Purified antigen: recombinant
tyrosine phosphatase
glomerular basement membrane
IgG 96 x 01

Purified antigen: alpha-3-chain of type IV collagen,
incl. NC1 domain, from bovine kidney
soluble liver antigen/
liver-pancreas antigen (SLA/LP)
Purified antigen: recombinant SLA/LP
IgG 96 x 01
expression in E. coli
liver antigen type 1
Purified antigen: recombinant formiminotransferase
cyclodeaminase, expression withbaculovirus vector in insect cells liver-kidney microsomes
IgG 96 x 01
Purified antigen: recombinant cytochrome P450 IID6,
expression with baculovirus vector
in insect cells
IgG 96 x 01