02 December 2009 02 December 2009 – ЕЛТА 90 created the most modern lab for Molecular Biology application

Last modern screem of laboratory equipment was delivered from ELTA 90 in Military Hospital Sofia. The equipmentedicated for diagnostic work in field of hepatitis viral loading tests as well test for liver transplantation.
The new laboratory, as well two new clinics for liver surgery was opened in official ceremony from the Prime Minister Borisov, together with the Minister of Diffence – Mr. Mladenov, and the Chief of Military Hospital General Tonev.

The news paper „24 hours“ часа mentioned in its feature:
“This is the most modern equipment in Europe and in the world“, decalared with satisfaction the Prime Minister. General Tonev mentioned that today number of civilic patients is served and only 13,7 % is militarians..“

In the web page of the council of ministries is mentioned:

“ The laboratory of gastroenterology diagnostic is a part of the clinic of Gasto-enterology and hepathology. Here is used HI-TEC technology medicine and methods of gene engeenering, endoscopic and other methods.”
ELTA 90 team wish to the specialists many professional success for the good of the people treated in the hospital.