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Delivery and Installation of full range of equipment from ELTA 90 MR in Eco Para Diagnostic in Bucharest
Eco Para Diagnostic in Bucharest – Romania can be proud from the newest and modern equipment, which was delivered and installed in their lab facilities by ELTA 90 MR for detection and diagnosis of parasitozes. The lab now has fully automatic ELISA system for diagnostic of parasitic diseases produced by Euroimmun, also a Robotic system for isolation and purification of RNA/DNA from the company RBC Bioscience and last but not least the state of art Eco qPCR system for detection of nucleic acids by the method of polymerase chain rteaction in real time from the giant in field of genomics science – Illumina, Inc.
Combining efforts from ELTA 90 specialists based in Sofia and Bucharest direct the work to one successful final.
The duration of installation and programing of the equipment tooks us more than 7 days. In the end we perform the tests which final results was excelent. In this way we are proud to add to our long list of satisfied customers one more prestigious lab in face of Eco Para Diagnostics.To the team there with head of the lab – Dr Patricia Mihailescu and the proud owner Professor Carmen Cretu who is a Professor in Bucharest Medical University – Carol Davila, many wishes for success and trouble free work with our equipment.